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Plus500US Futures Technologies

MarketData Request Reject


Rejecting Market Data Requests

The Market Data Request Reject (Tag 35=Y) is generated when the T4 FIX API cannot honor a Market Data Request. The rejection reason may stem from market or exchange not available, lack of user permission, undefined markets, etc. The rejection is paired against a previous Market Data Request with the mandatory MDReqID (Tag 262).

Message Dictionary

TagField NameReq'dComments
Standard HeaderYMsgType = Y
262MDReqIDYFor a single market request, it carries the MDReqID of the rejected Market Data Request. MultiMarket requests carry asterisks.
281MDReqRejReasonNReason for the rejection of a Market Data Request.
0 = Unknown Symbol
1 = Duplicate MD Request ID
3 = Insufficient Permissions
4 = Unsupported Subscription Request Type
5 = Unsupported Market Depth
6 = Unsupported MD Update Type
8 = Unsupported MD Entry Type
9 = Maximum Limit Exceeded
10 = Chart Data not Enabled
11 = Trial period has expired
48SecurityIDNT4 Market Identifier.
58TextNFree format text string further describing the reason for the rejection.
Standard TrailerY

Sample Messages

Subscription attempt to a market that does not exist

>> 10/11/2012 10:33:37 AM   [FIXMARKETDATAREQUEST] 34=11|49=T4Example|56=T4|52=20121011-15:33:37.934|262=md-10/11/2012 10:33:37 AM|263=1|264=10|265=5|1070=1|267=11|269=0|269=1|269=2|269=3|269=4|269=6|269=7|269=8|269=K|269=L|269=B|146=1|55=ES|48=CME_20211200_ESZ2|167=FUT|207=CME_Eq|
[MsgSeqNum] 34 = 11
[SenderCompID] 49 = T4Example
[TargetCompID] 56 = T4
[SendingTime] 52 = 20121011-15:33:37.934
[MDReqID] 262 = md-10/11/2012 10:33:37 AM
[SubscriptionRequestType] 263 = 1 (SNAPSHOT_PLUS_UPDATES)
[MarketDepth] 264 = 10
[MDUpdateType] 265 = 5 (SMART)
[MDQuoteType] 1070 = 1 (TICKS)
[NoMDEntryTypes] 267 = 11
[MDEntryType] 269 = 0 (BID)
[MDEntryType] 269 = 1 (OFFER)
[MDEntryType] 269 = 2 (IMPLIED_BID)
[MDEntryType] 269 = 3 (IMPLIED_OFFER)
[MDEntryType] 269 = 4 (TRADE)
[MDEntryType] 269 = 6 (SETTLEMENT_PRICE)
[MDEntryType] 269 = K (LIMIT_HIGH_PRICE)
[MDEntryType] 269 = L (LIMIT_LOW_PRICE)
[MDEntryType] 269 = B (TRADE_VOLUME)
[NoRelatedSym] 146 = 1
[Symbol] 55 = ES
[SecurityID] 48 = CME_20211200_ESZ2
[SecurityType] 167 = FUT (FUTURE)
[SecurityExchange] 207 = CME_Eq

Rejection of Market Data Request

<< 10/11/2012 10:33:37 AM  [fixmarketdatareject] 34=76|49=T4|56=T4Example|50=T4FIX|52=20121011-15:33:37.965|262=md-10/11/2012 10:33:37 AM|48=CME_20211200_ESZ2|281=0|58=Market is not available|
[MsgSeqNum] 34 = 76
[SenderCompID] 49 = T4
[TargetCompID] 56 = T4Example
[SenderSubID] 50 = T4FIX
[SendingTime] 52 = 20121011-15:33:37.965
[MDReqID] 262 = md-10/11/2012 10:33:37 AM
[SecurityID] 48 = CME_20211200_ESZ2
[MDReqRejReason] 281 = 0 (UNKNOWN_SYMBOL)
[Text] 58 = Market is not available

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